Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mommy, am I going to glow in the dark?

Every young child might well be asking their mothers this exact question if a company, SRB Technologies, gets its way. SRB has been given tacit approval to dump tritium (a radioactive material) into the Ottawa River without treatment. Luckily a variety of environmental groups have noticed what was happening and are intervening with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to stop this from happening.

How did this happen, you might ask? Well it's more from the inaction/inactivity of our nuclear watchdogs than from anything out of the ordinary that SRB set out to do. It seems that no one in particular paid any attention to the solution for reducing environmental radioactive pollution that SRB put forward.

Here is a link to one of the sites that is following this developing situation:

Now I'm glad my children are grown, they can look after themselves and can decide whether they want to drink the water from the Ottawa River. I for one will not drink the water if this company is allowed to proceed with their plans for dumping tritium into the river.

I don't want to glow in the dark - would you?

Cheers from the Valley

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