Thursday, November 30, 2006

Will I Glow in the Dark? - An Update

This past Monday SRB Technologies went before the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to gain approval for their approach to disposal of radioactive tritium. Please revisit the following link for a detailed update on the review and the proceedings. I do not believe the CNSC had rendered a decision yet. But stay tuned.

Cheers from the Valley.

Alright Keep Your Knickers On - Please!

It has come to my attention that the latest trend with lady celebs is to be seen in public with no underwear on. Whether it's to ensure there aren't any panty lines under that skin tight new chemise or whether it's a matter of "If she can do it so can I." one-upmanship (or is that one-upwomanship?) I don't care. It is rather tasteless if you ask me.

Witness the rapidly falling star of Britney Spears. She's just divorced, recently a mother (by chosen c-section I hear) and was photographed by the paparazzi sans knickers with enough of her lower torso on view to reveal her c-section scar. Now come on Britney, are you just trying to better Paris (that's Hilton if you're not sure)? Or do you really think that by revealing your womanhood it will make your few remaining fans rush out and buy your latest album?

It seems that the drive by celebrities to get more and more publicity requires that they show more and more of their impossibly formed bodies. Low-cut bodice's aren't enough. Fashion accident's aren't enough (sorry Janet J.) so we have to stoop to revealing the rest of our genitalia.

I'm not even going to talk about hygiene - not going there folks. But come on, if you were all Scottish and were wearing kilts that happened to get caught in a breeze I'd understand. But you're not! So keep it under wraps and let those millions of pubescent males dream of what might be -- not actually see -- what is under your dress.

I for one don't even own a kilt even though my ancestry is Scottish! But if I did..... well you'll have to guess yourself!

Cheers from the Valley.